Hello folks. My name is George L. Fouke, Ph.D. I am a retired professor of interdisciplinary studies and political science, and author of Damn the Warocracy: A Plea to Restore American Democracy. Let me begin here by telling you a bit about myself.
     I climbed the educational ladder to become a professor and Department Chair at St. Andrew’s College. Survival has been my preoccupation since I was abandoned at age six and raised in six Depression Era-WWII private foster homes; I was abused in three of them. To paraphrase the Beatles, "With a little help from my friends" and through faith I found America to be what my favorite novelist, Thomas Wolfe, wrote about it. To paraphrase, America is a land of opportunity where miracles happen, where young people feel emboldened. To quote:  "You feel this joy, this glory, this exuberance, the thing that makes the young fellows cry out and squeal in their throats."  
     On a personal level, raised in a dysfunctional childhood, I married a wonderful lady who also had a dysfunctional childhood. We had three children who had slightly less dysfunctional childhoods and have turned out to be good people, each with a fierce, entrepreneurial work ethic.
     Also on a personal level, I was exposed to six different forms of Christianity in the six foster homes; I became a deacon and elder in the denomination of choice. I also received an education in the Jewish faith from two dear old friends. 
     Professionally, I am proud of having been Department Chairman, teaching courses with a team of mixed academic disciplines, and of teaching at a liberal arts college of 1,500, with over 100 wheelies—students in wheelchairs or with other challenges. I learned a great deal more about survival and making it in life from them. 
     I earned degrees at Lafayette College, University of Pennsylvania (M.A.) and University of Colorado (PH. D)
     The project I am working on is a book laying out a better way of living for our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and further on.  I feel we need to make big changes in order to continue our life on earth.
     It is an established fact that ninety-nine percent of all species known to have existed on earth are now extinct. Only one percent of species will survive.
     Right now, the way we are treating our planet, and the way we are treating one another, we are headed for a place among that 99 percent.
     My ideas are laid out in The Global Architecture of Survival: Lessons from the Jewish Experience. I feel we must change our way of living and our treatment of one another drastically if we hope to be a part of the 1 percent.  Perpetual war, environmental degradation, and social and political unrest are at the top of our list of problems, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.   Taking a look at history through the eyes of Judaism has helped me form the ideas for this book.
     Global Architecture lays out a plan for survival of the human species based on the 4,000 year history of the Jewish people. Their story is tremendously painful to read from a humanitarian perspective; but read from the perspective of ‘survival,’ it is an extraordinarily valuable record of what I call ‘survival’ strategy.’

At my age it isn’t necessary to cultivate a feeling of responsibility for posterity. The feeling blooms in my breast quite naturally each time I look into the faces of my grandchildren. What kind of world will they live in? Will they know peace and security? Will they have a real chance at achieving the American Dream? Will their grandchildren even have the chance to exist? This book is for them, and their children’s children, and so on down that great living line. Here I offer thoughts and observations from a lifetime of political study and experience, in hopes that my own humble perspective might help make the world a better place for those who come after me.

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